Our family of four looks quite different than most.
We hold our first son in our heart and our second son in our arms.
Our firstborn lived earth side for 3.5 days. I wish more than anything he was physically a part of this photo, but in this picture, you will see him in the picture frame.
You see, it’s hard to explain why we’d want to include him in photos to those who haven’t lost a child. We don’t just miss them beyond words, we miss every moment that doesn’t include them - like family photos.
When he isn’t included, another piece of my heart breaks. Another reminder that he isn’t here. When he is included, my heart smiles. Another reminder that he is always with us and is remembered as a part of our family.
To those holding a child in your heart during important dates and holidays, do what feels right to you and most importantly, do what your healing heart needs.
To those supporting the parents holding a child in their heart instead of their arms, say their name, include them in messages or cards, talk about them.
With love, from our family to yours.